Monday, February 28, 2005

which animal are you?

We had a fun sermon on Sunday. We are going through a study in Church over relationships and our pastor took the time to go through a personality difference sermon. We focased on the different personalities and how they are described through four different animals.

Lion - Born Leader/Likes to take charge/doesn't need everyones input will go with their instincts/often described as having street smarts/like to get the point in things/like the word "power"/their time frame is NOW/not afraid of confrontation

Otter - People person/optimist/"things are great and lets have fun" mentality/loves to interact with anyone and everone/don't really need details - in fact will run from them/they like to see-feel-experience life/great at motivating others/avoid all confrontation

Golden Retriever - great listeners/will talk if approached - would rather not start a conversation/few but close relationships/like to please others/hate sudden changes/can adapt just not to sudden things/like predictable patterns in daily life/defined rules

Beaver - keep close watch on their emotions/want the facts and only the facts/will take forever deciding on something/they want to know everything before making a decision/focas on past/like to read instruction books/ like to do things the right way

Well here are my analysis of my friends/family

Lion - Kelly Kathryn Trimble/My Dad/Tom Rogers

Otter - Evan Trimble/Josh Castles/Dail Neely/Ronnie Hoffart/Alyssa Turner

Golden Retriever - Me/Julie Castles/Rob Woodard

Beaver - Mom/Kirk Wimberly/Josh Burgess/Debbie Neely/Luke Neely/Amy Burgess/Reagan Foster


Anonymous said...


I'm intrigued by your pick for Amy and me.


Kirk Wimberley said...

It's always interesting to see how you are perceived by others. I've taken this test twice now, and both times I was actually slightly higher in otter than in beaver, but both of those were by far my two dominate types. As I once told you - "Let's build a good dam, but let's have fun doing it!" I think I'm a beaver sometimes at work (though relationships with customers and coworkers are very important to me) and whenever I evaluate decisions, but I think I'm an otter everywhere else. I'm not as much of an otter as Josh Castles though! I think the otter and beaver inside of me are always fighting each other. HA!

Anonymous said...

What about your lst born
What about your sibbling

Kelly said...

Josh, why are you intrigued? Do you disagree?

Kirk - I can see you being part otter - but more beaver.

I am part otter but mostly lion - imagine that!