Thursday, February 24, 2005

"I have no clue what you asked...but I'll take two"

Do the days not just fly by? Seriously aren't we always living for the future or the past? Whats wrong with the present, why can't we enjoy it. I get up and do devotions then go work out. Then I go to work and really look forward to going home at lunch to watch one of my hour long episodes of whatever DVD I'm watching. Then go back to school only to look forward to practice. In the middle of practice I'm worrying about my club practice after that. Then at club I'm wondering what I'm going to eat for supper. After supper its play with the boys, get them to bed and watch the shows we taped. Then bed time to start all over again. There is no solution to this, we all get in this rythym. The weekends break things up I guess. Don't get me wrong I like predictability but after a while it gets alil old. Heres my solution - enjoy the moment! Find humor in it - if your me - find sarcasm in it! We have all read the cute lil sayings about enjoying the moment but they are true. We do only live once and if we are trying to not go overboard and sin why can't we twist off a lil. When the waitress asks "what we want for lunch" tell her "no thanks I just need a doggie bag".. then watch her reaction. Wife asks how the day was tell her "pringles and some soap is all I need from the store". Walk into the kitchen and act like you ran into the door and fall down just to watch the wife and kids look at you like your a fool. When a coworker/child/player/ asks you a question calmly tell them "I'm fine.. and you?" Its a short life be responsible a lil!



Kirk Wimberley said...

Trees and watermelons.