Wednesday, February 16, 2005

I'm Back - miss me?

Well I got back from the ole Minnesota today. It was exactly what I thought it would be. Insecure 19 yr. olds trying to express their individuality. We did get to see Dr. Drew (loveline from MTV), Jesse Ventura (WWE wrestling star turned past Govenor of Minn.) and Jars of Clay (music grouop). I saw my Sis - who drove three hours to spend an hour and a half with me! She baked me cookies!!! My favorites - I'm soo spoiled! Those were the highlights! Eating out twice a day for 5 days, being out of my environment, being social, and being away from my family were the downfalls. Did I mention being out of my environment and being social)?
I'm gone for a couple days and Kirk has a job - Alyssa is cleaned out (was hoping never to read that) - My wife actually missed me and the dog apparently is barking at ghosts in our house. My team must have realized I was out of state because three were late for study hall, one skipped study hall, three were late for weight lifting, and who knows what went on this weekend with them. Ahhh the joy of being out of the pocket. I have 11 voice messages and 35 e-mails to answer. I am home though, my kids are happy, the dog is excited and my wife actually acts like she recognizes me. Life is good. Actually I'm kidding they all were very happy to see me and I would lie to act like that doesn't feel awesome! I missed the heck out of them. Whoever said its the "little things in life" is a genious. I missed watching shows with my wife and playing with the boys. I missed more but this is a PG program so "lets keep it clean people!" I have to admit I did miss the Mafia! I swear I did - its weird but dang it I like to read whats happenin. Lets not get carried away - I don't need to hear it - just read it.



Alyssa said...

Welcome back Jeff! Hopefully you unthaw soon. I am sure the Minnisota weather was a few degrees colder then you are use to. Please don't leave town again.....I am tired of listening to your wife wine about how much she missed you. haha just kidding Kelly! Well its time for tea.....and you know what that means!

Kirk Wimberley said...

Glad you made it back was the flight? :) I'm also glad you kept your list of things you missed PG rated. HA!