Tuesday, October 09, 2007


My great wife has already blogged about the exciting news - that my team got ranked nationally. I'm blowen away by this, we have had some great teams in the last couple of years but it takes the right wins at the right time to get in. We have a huge game on
friday and now I feel the pressure even more. Oh by the way we just hired a new Athletic Director this week so of course I can find every possible way I can screw this up. My team is the most talanted team I have had in a long while but the girls seem to think everything is no big deal. Now you ask yourself, as a head coach, should I do something about this or does it seem to be fine and leave them alone. I know from experience that we are not intense enough but what if this is the team that functions well with this behavior. My thought process kills me sometimes.
My boys are doing great...Alec is getting good grades and doing great with his Gymkata. Evan is bouncing everywhere and having fun in school and sports. Owen is glued to my hip which is veryyy fun. Really the boy is doing better with the hitting and temper tantrums. I love the fact he is a daddys boy - don't tell Kel. Don't you hate people that go on and on about their kids!
How about my Cowboys!!
