Saturday, February 05, 2005

Pokemon what?

I missed yesterday and my apologies to la familia. I will try to post twice today. I can't get too far out of my routine.
So I roll out of bed this a.m. and my youngest (Evan) requests a Pokemon battle on the boys Nintendo 64. I give them all my old game stations ( nothing but the best for the Trimble boys, after dad gets the best). I, having no clue what that is, tell him "I will wash your lil mouth out with soap if you talk like that again to me." He calmly explains it's a battle game on the computer.
BATTLE ONE: I'm somewhat interested until he crushes the living bloggers out of me! What in the world. That's cool though we'll play again so I drag him back to his room for the next battle. (The poor kid thought he would actually get to go outside after the battle). The set up to this game is you pick three creatures to go to battle. You fight one at a time until someone is left standing. Well he used two and almost three creatures to beat my three, the first time. Not bad for me I almost got him!
BATTLE TWO: This one is not close at all. I could only grab one of his creatures lives. Dang it! "Defeat why do you sting so much" I have to regroup and lick my wounds. Well I go back to the kitchen for coffee and come back to the room and he's getting his play clothes on. I calmly inform him that he will not go outside til I get another battle. He rolls his eyes and agrees.
BATTLE THREE: I have stretched out and mentally prepared for this battle. He beats me like a rented mule! I barely damage one of his creature! He has this electric lil guy who has this bolt that just crushes my three guys one agonizing turn at a time. Are you serious! So back to the kitchen I head, whining about the abuse that I received. My oldest, whose sitting on the couch, looks up as I pass and I swear says "duh.. dad he had an electric attack you should of used your water attack". Two hours of being awake and I have lost my confidence, dignity and leadership in this household. So Kelly goes for her walk - I do what any butt whipped man of the house does, make the kids and I breakfast!



Kirk Wimberley said...

You mean Pokemon is a game?! I always thought it was a Jamaican proctologist!!

Jeff said...

Kirk - corny yet funny comment!