Monday, February 21, 2005

My Family

I have never really talked about my family much. My parents have been married for 36 or 37 years - I think around there. We have lived in only two houses in that time. West Milton and Greenville, Ohio. They helped start our church in Ohio and Mom was always the nursery and childhood director with Dad being the Sunday School Coordinator. So we basically lived at church, Saturday night to set up, Sunday for both services, Sunday night, and Wednesday night. It lessened as we got older but I have some great memories of me and my sis running through church on a Saturday night playing hide and seek in a huge building.
My sis is two years younger than me. She had Spinal Menangitis (spelling) when she was two and came close to dying. She has a hearing lose of about 75% total. She also broke a leg and cut her hand/arm open twice. All before her 10th birthday. I spent a lot of time at friends of our families growing up - while Lisa stayed a lot at the hospital! She was always very involved in Church and if not for her childhood (in which she was a stubborn terror) she would almost have a perfect record for doing the right thing. I was the angel growing up and we switched roles in high school. She is now on missionary status at a Christian camp in Northern Wisconsin. She was always on mission trips in high school so her calling was inevitable.
Mom is a single child and met dad at a bank. They married and Jeffy came along a year or so after. She was the cool mom as we were growing up. Very easy to talk to and always looking to understand. A chronic worrier that spoiled me rotten - to a point. My wife still can't believe my mom made the meal, brought it to me, took the empty plate back, and was always asking if we wanted more. Now there was sometimes I was told to get my lazy butt up and get my own, when Dad had enough of my laziness My mom is 110% servant. She did worry about ten years off her life about me. If I got a letter in college it was two paragraphs of info. and a paragraph of her concerns about my life. Its better to be loved then ignored and it kept me in check! We have probably 500 hours of conversations stored from my preteen and teenage years. We always talked - until I started to become a lil more like dad and not be as open - but that was who is was becoming and I will never forget those times with mom.
Dad. Carl Trimble is and was a man's man. He is a vietnam vet and a choleric personality wise. The funny thing is he loves people. He will talk with anyone / most of the time. He also is not afraid to say whats on his mind. You did not talk back to dad nor did you roll your eyes or even sigh. Lisa had a tough time with the talking back thing the first ten years of her life. I can count on one hand the run- ins me and dad had. Thats probably a compliment to him - I had to much respect/fear to rock that boat. He also never missed a game of mine of any kind unless something major was happening. I can't tell what it means to have your parents at your events as your growing up. Mom and Dad did that very well. I would be shocked/lost if they weren't there. I can truly say that my dad molded my life. I have had a lot of people in authority that thought they were tough to work for but I knew exactly what hardwork was and respect was and that came from the hardest working person I know..Dad.
I hope to have my moms compassion, servanthood, heart and understanding...while dads work ethic, leadership, dedication. I hope to have both their LOVE while raising my kids.

Thanks Mom and Dad! Lisa, I love you and respect you.



Kirk Wimberley said...

Great blog Jeff! I really think this blog thing is opening you up quite a bit! I admire what you did here (no sarcasm)!

Alyssa said...

wait a minute, ok there thats better. I almost fell off my chair when I read all these feeling from a guy named Jeff Trimble. That was very sweet, and I am sure your mom, dad, and sis would be proud. Sounds like a wonderful family!

Jeff said...

Well "opening up and sharing my feelings" is certainly never a goal. I haven't recently killed anyone or drowned any I'm sure I have a few feelings for my family. I do appreciate the comments and am happy to see that Kirk and Alyssa are alive!

Kelly said...

That is sweet honey - I already knew all of that but it is still fun to read again. Your mom will proud!

Anonymous said...

Glad we both turn out okay!!!!