Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Moving on

Well last night I had to say goodbye to Jennifer Garner. Kel and I finished the third season of Alias and now we will wait for season four to be released. This will be a long wait, the season just started on T.V. I have been watching Jen (only her friends call her Jen) since November and have seen her through thick and thin in the first three seasons. She has grown up to be quite a lil spy. How can we forget the hunting down and attempted murder of her mom. How about the good old days when electric shock torture ruined a couple hours for her. Ahhhh the losing two years of her life to being captured and brain washed. Well.....Its time now to move on.
Tonight I start the third season of 24 on my DVD's. I love 24 so I'm looking forward to it. Jack is truly the man! He has gone through a few things in his life also.
I will be saving the best for last. Magnum P.I. will be watched later this year, when we get closer to going to Hawaii. I don't want to get to psyched up before I go.
I'm going to Dallas tonight to recruit. Fun times, sit in 40 degree temps while a bunch of high school girls run around and I try to see if any of them can play at MSU. My only hope is if some parents see me and come over and tell me how wonderful their precious that would be fun. I am only looking at Juniors so that eliminates a lot from the picture. Four hours on the road for an 80 minutes game but a couple girls wrote to me so I go look at them play and either keep them on the list or eliminate them. Then come home and start 24! Ohhh yeaaa!



Kelly said...

I'm sure this is not what you wanted to hear but I think I will join you on this "24" adventure as well. It'll be just like the good old days honey - back when we watched Alias every night.

Kelly said...

Sounds good - you have to promise to watch Magnum with me also. I know you've never seen it so it will be a education is brillant T.V. for you.

Jeff said...

that as me! - Apparently I'm in the doghouse with the godmother. I have not been commented on for a few days - I gotta watch my back!

Kirk Wimberley said...

Don't worry about the Godmother. She's being romanced now, so blogging has slipped on her priority list. She's also still suffering from not being able to bask in the sun on the beach. We can all understand that. If I haven't been swimming with sharks or playing hackysack with a jellyfish in a few days, I start to get upset too. Jeff, why are you only looking at juniors? What if you see a senior who is exceptionally talented?

Jeff said...

My dear friend - I don't have a fountain of scholarship money - I have signed 4 really talented seniors - no more money left. Time to prepare for 2006. Plus it was a good time to look at the juniors (no good seniors on either team)

Alyssa said...

You do not have to watch your back Jeff. You are still on The Godmother's good side, I have been without power for the past two days and we are finally up and running again. This is the first time I have been online and I have been going through blogging withdrawles!

Kirk Wimberley said...

Forgive me counselor, I am completely uneducuated in the matter of recruiting protocol. Your explanation makes perfect sense though. So did you have any parents come up to you and brag on their kids? HA! That would be sort of awkward, and probably hard not to just roll your eyes. By the way, how did it go when you had to dismiss your player?