Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Truth time?

I just got done watching two episodes of the newlyweds. I have watched this show off and on (I'm sure thats a shock because I'm sure many could never see me watching it). I actually like it - I really think Nick is hilarious. I think its probably the dumbest idea in the world - to have your first three years of marriage in the public eye. Good grief, can we all imagine are first three years of marriage broadcast? Sorry getting distracted! I really do like how Nick reacts to Jessica's statements and seeing a young male's pride almost run his life. I'm not stupid - I do realize the producers mold the daily lives of these two people but he does have some funny reactions. He does have the art of saying what he thinks/feels. In that mold I would like to give a few opinions:

The Presidency - I voted for George W. both times and appreciate his Presidency. I have grown to think he is the right man for this time. I have no idea whats going on in Iran/North Korea but addressing the situation is appreciated by this American. I shudder at times when he speaks in public but.... its a needed change from the polished Presidency of former Pres. Clinton.

NHL - Just play hockey..I understand we are trying to shape the league for a healthy ten year run. I know the fans will come back and feel its drastically different from the baseball strike of a few years ago. Why will fans come back...thats easy..its a lock out not a strike. The players were the bad guys in the baseball work stopage. The owners will be perceived as the stooges in the NHL. Not many fans go to the arena to watch the owners box!

NBA/MLB - feed up! Steroids is a big issue in baseball. I am a Reds fan and when they played Barry Bond's Pirates in 1990 in the National League Championship that boy was a rail. C'mon people - weight training does not put that much muscle on a 175lb player. His attitude drives me insane - I am getting off track. Steroids out of control, baseball player's public persona is terrible and I'm not a stats junky. Number loving is the heart of a baseball junky. The NBA drives me insane - to long of a season and players not fan friendly! These clowns are spoiled! I just got done reading an article on the all star game for the NBA. These guys are sports Divas! The refused cabs to the arena to wait for limo's. Are you kidding me?

NFL - Awesome! Can a league market itself any better? Can it be presented Sunday to Sunday any better? Unbelievably awesome!

The family dynamic - Well the divorce rate is through the roof. Teens are exposed to drug use at alarming numbers! I am around the high school/college age person 24/7 and its not pretty. Will they mature - sure but they are exposed to things in life that are mind boggling. I mean its like sin is around ever corner. These kids have to be sharp and mature to stay on track. I have a strong belief in God and His Son and I struggle like crazy with sin - how does a young immature 15-22 yr. old handle the temptations in this world. You would pass out if you overheard what my girls talk about on the vans/bus. I know I'm getting older and God is ultimately in control but I really worry for my boys/(girl?). The pressure is on and Kel and I have to be sharp with what we do with our children from day one.

I will save the rest of my rant for another time...wait.

Alyssa, NASCAR is more than colored cars going in an oval...they have to pit stop!



Alyssa said...

Nick and Jess are great! What do you think the chances of their marriage surviving are? Just curious? The show does crack me up though. Ok then Jeff I agree with you. Nascar is about some colored cars driving around in a circle with a pit stop. Either way it is boring! The only way it would be exciting is if you were actually driving the car. I would rather watch grass grow.

Kirk Wimberley said...

OK Jeff...I will borrow one of your replies to my blog, but I will change the last word - "For the first time I think I agree with everything you blogged! Wait no ......I think your having another boy!" :)

When are you going to let me teach you how to play NCAA football?