Thursday, March 31, 2005

blog mafia back

Seriously its nice to see that Kirk and Alyssa have started to blog once again. Hey I know its tough at times. Spending the time to blog or even buying time to think when raising a family is tough. I will not shed a tear though. I think we all feel that its only good to blog if we have something to say. Thats not it, my family, its about typing. Typing what you feel, typing a word, typing an experience, typing something simple. Why does it all have to be funny experiences or even an update of the day. Its our blog! When I type I don't care if people read it - its what I want to say that day. Lets get back to old school - just own your own blog. One day I might type - wow, that drive from school to home was great today - and thats it. What are you going to do, not read my blog cause its boring. People, I want to embrace boring - if boring means no phone calls or communication then color me boring. I may be taking it to extremes but my point is... blog whatever, if you can't great but pleaseee don't feel like you have to entertain. I certainly haven't tonight!


Alyssa said...

just for you I will blog you to bordom!