Saturday, April 02, 2005

Fun times

I agree with my wife..its great to have a computer that actually works.
Well my fellow mafia members, I wait all day Friday for the big event. Evan's first t-ball game. I mean there has to be some college /major league scouts out for this one. The magnitude of this game shaped my day. Return some phone calls/e mails at work very difficult - well thats par for course. Next was eat lunch- it was difficult but I pulled that one out. Go home mow the lawn- that wasnt bad, plenty of time to visualize the worlds series championship - if we won this t- ball game. MSU girls practice- a lil harder to focus but its amazing how yelling at twenty yr. olds brings the heart some joy. Then game time - time to witness the quickness of the tball Reds!! Well its a lil hard to get excited when the way you end an inning is to let the other team bat around. Ohh but we also get to bat around, so its still close -the problem is... tball/baseball is the worlds most boring sport. I love baseball (played it into high school) and love the Reds/Bosox but seriously, its a slow moving game. An hour and 15 minutes of parents yelling/kids having their gloves on their heads/ balls throwing into the bullpen/ heaven. I was begging for the end of the game. I was rooting for my son to get out if it would have sped this boredom up. I am proud of Evan and want him to achieve but seriously folks Friday nights are not meant to be spent watching a boy swing seven times at a ball on a tee (missing it each time) then barely hit it and have twenty parents screaming at him to run. Coaches at this age have a tough time keeping the kids attention, well bless their hearts they have to stand with glove on for 30 minutes and not have the ball hit to them then run off "excited" to play this game of ACTION. Ohhh K I loved it and am proud of my son but I'm sooo glad the season is over.. "What honey? " "Thats our first game?" @#%$&^*(()&^%$%##@#



Kelly said...

Cute honey - I have to agree - it was excruciatingly boring!

Alyssa said...

sounds like an exciting time!!! Now do you have trouble fitting new things into your mundane routine or is it a smooth transition?