Thursday, March 10, 2005

My Safari

I spent an hour today talking to one of our tennis girls about her home. She grew up in South Africa - Three hours from the biggest African animal reserve! She would take family vacations to these parks. They would actually take their own car on tour. Just drive in to the grasslands along a path. They have had elephants rub against their car and stopped at a watering hole for half an hour to watch crocs. take gazelles into the water for a "lil talking to". She said they were also a couple hours from the prettiest place on Earth. She meant it too! People have said this part of Africa with the falls and scenary were named the prettiest place on Earth. I have Abilene, Amarillo, and San Angelo a couple hours from my house. This got my little mind a thinkin! Whats life for me about? Well my friends...C.A.R.

Challenges - Without these things in life what do we learn. How do we feel alive. This is our dip in the rollar coaster of life. When bad things or uncomfortable things happen how do we react. We'll never know until it happens. I'm convinced this is the ace card in my life education. I know I'm going to heaven when this is all over but it would be boring living a life without dips.

Adventures - I love to come home and watch T.V./read a book and not have the phone ring (Although its getting better I used to not like to even talk). I mean I love it! I also know every adventure - like a vacation, tight game or even trip to Ohio provides a sense of fun/adrenaline for me. It gives us all something to think back to.

Relationships - Now I'm the last one to give an opinion on this. My idea of a relationship would be 5 friends and a family forever. I'm not exactly trying to branch out and meet people. In fact as I typed that I smiled at the ridiculousness (sp.?) of people who actually want to get to know others. I have to admit others can add a spice to our lives. They will actually give us something other than our own thoughts to consider. You actually can feel real feelings for a friend and grow with that. Before we get crazy there are very few peolple I consider friends. Trust me though I'm no prize as a friend. Point is: relationships are needed in life!!

I know what my life is about and I know why I'm here - to serve God. It would also be good to win a few games&raise two/three great kids & have a great marriage.
