Sunday, March 06, 2005


Well good times had by all! We played the u-19 club team today and won 1-0. They were made up of a lot of soon to be fresh. going to Division 1 school like Oklahoma and Oklahoma state. Then we played their u-17 team (juniors) and tied. Good grief. We should of beat them both but it was nice to play two good games. I lost my all region defender to a second degree hamstring tear for four months. Not good Poncho! We won't start training the real season til August but it still was scary seeing her in the pain. So being outside coaching soccer from noon til 5pm then driving the van back two hours to home is as fun as square dancing in a round room. The girls talking in the van was the bonus! Sarcasm! Then had an Club coaching meeting when I got back to W town til 9:30 tonight then home yeah! Had a few scrambled eggs and showered for bed. After blogging and listening to Cross Canadian. Tired my compadre's...tired. But ..."your always 17 in your hometown" so I have that going for me!



Alyssa said...

seems like your girls are dropping like flies! Between the injuries and the pregnancies, and the drunks......yikes!

Kelly said...

Pretty sad I had to read your blog to find out about your players injuries! At least I did know the one got pregnant before I read it!

Kirk Wimberley said...

Are you downplaying the win against the soon to be Div 1 players? Even though they're just soon-to-be freshman, if they're good enough for a Div 1 school, then they must be pretty good! Congrats on the win! And oh yeah...scrambled eggs at night? Yuck!