Thursday, March 24, 2005


Well my wife and Evan are picking up my in-laws right now. Alec is in school hopefully learning to write straighter and its 80 degrees out. I'm stuck in this office trying to get myself organized to evaluate 22 girls at a tournament for juniors and seniors tomorrow. I'm actually going to have to pay attention to the games and not just sit and socialize with my one or two other coaches I talk to down there. I really do like to go on these recruiting trips but it is a little pressure trying to make sure you evaluate these players fairly. After 8 hours at the fields I'll go back to the hotel room and go over my notes,watch some bball, have a few cold ones and go to bed to start the whole process over. I will come back on Saturday though with my in laws in town the wifey has a few concerns with me being gone to long - which I understand! I want all the wife lobbyists to know - I'm pro-happy wife! I'm done recruiting for next year so these are juniors I'm looking at for 2006. It seems early but actually the NCAA lets us start to recruit them in June so we need to evaluate them and decide who to give our scholarships to now. Some schools are actually evaluating Sophomores. I have 7 teams to watch (22 total players) and evaluate and want to see them all play twice.
It will be fun to have my in laws here and I know Kelly and the boys are excited. Kelly has a bunch of stuff planned so it should be a fun time had by all! I'm sure we will be busy and I'm excited to get out and do things with everyone - Pro happy wife!



Alyssa said...

Very good! happy wife = happy husband! Happy wife very very important. Showering wife in flowers, diamonds, and gifts also very good. For best results take wife to Hawaii and swim with her in ocean. Show brave husband!

Jeff said...

i guess that means - happy wife when hubby attacked by jaws twin brother

Anonymous said...

Jeff since you are looking at Juniors, don't forget about my cousin in Amarillo. She really wants to come to MSU, especially to play soccer for the best soccer coach around!

Anonymous said...

Jeff since you are looking at Juniors, don't forget about my cousin in Amarillo. She really wants to come to MSU, especially to play soccer for the best soccer coach around!