Wednesday, December 07, 2005

American Express survey

In my new Sports Illustrated there were three pages with Tiger Woods, MikeKrzyzewski, and Laird Hamilton answering questions on a page by themselves. They each answered the same questions and it was very interesting to read. For Example, Tiger's childhood ambition was to beat his dad in golf while Laird's was to be a great waterman. Coach K's retreat is his yard while Tiger's retreat is underwated spearfishing. First job for Tiger cart boy, for Coach K it was being in the Army. Coach K's alarm is his two dog's Cameron and Defense, while Tiger answered it 5:00 a.m. sharp. I will now take the test and encourge you all to answer a few of these same questions on my comments.

Name: Jeff Trimble
Childhood ambition: To be a forest ranger
Fondest Memory: working and playing outside with my friends and family
Soundtrack: Barry Manilow's greatest hits
Retreat: reading a good book
Wildest Dreams: To win a National Title
Proudest Moment: watching my kids do anything - preferably good.
Biggest Challenge: not procrastinating
Alarm clock: My dog Dakota
Perfect Day: In the Fall, college soccer practice then watching football all day.
First job: Working on a pig farm
Indulgence: buying books
Last Purchase: buying a steak monday night
Favorite Movie: Dances with Wolves
Inspiration: My parents and trying to be Christ like
My life: Consistent


Jeff said...

Name - Kelly Trimble

Childhood ambition - vet

Fondest memory - building snow caves in Ohio winters

Retreat - book store with a coffee

First job - waitress at an ice cream store

Last purchase - lunch

Favorite movie - American President

Jennifer said...

Name: Jennifer
Childhood ambition: be a teacher
Fondest Memory: traveling in Europe as a family
Soundtrack: Ho w to Lose a Guy in Ten Days
Retreat: reading a good book
Wildest Dreams: to have no money worryies
Proudest Moment: watching Kirk graduate
Biggest Challenge: being patient with my kids
Alarm clock: my 10 wk old son
Perfect Day: In the Fall, at a high school football game when it's cold.
First job: Target cashier
Indulgence: bubble baths
Last Purchase: groceries
Favorite Movie: Cinderella Man
Inspiration: my family, Christ
My life: Continuous

Alyssa said...

Name: Alyssa Turner
Childhood ambition: To be a dentist
Fondest Memory: when my kids were born.
Soundtrack: reality bites soundtrack
Retreat: the mall
Wildest Dreams: To win the lottery
Biggest Challenge: not being quick to anger
Alarm clock: My newborn daughter but it does not go off until 8am
Perfect Day: A full day of shopping with lots of sales and a good lunch out with the girls, or a day at the beach with my family
First job: retail ( go figure)
Indulgence: buying anything
Last Purchase: a floor gym for Londyn
Favorite Movie: Wedding Crashers
Inspiration: Jesus

Kirk Wimberley said...

Name: Kirk Wimberley
Childhood ambition: become a legendary NFL quarterback
Fondest Memory: high school
Soundtrack: Hope Floats
Retreat: Playstation
Wildest Dreams: building a big, 2-story log cabin on some acres in Colorado next to my private lake and horse barn, where I will manage my own money for a living in the comfort of my home.
Proudest Moment: being a father to 4 wonderful, intelligent kids
Biggest Challenge: resisting food
Alarm clock: beat to death
Perfect Day: clear and sunny, 75 degrees, perfect for swimming with the family, cooking out, playing football in the yard
First job: Braum's
Indulgence: Chocolate
Last Purchase: 100 4x6 photos of my family for Christmas mailings
Favorite Movie: too it's Love Actually, but ask me again tomorrow
Inspiration: My children and Brett Favre :)
My life: Comfortable