Thursday, December 08, 2005

A few thoughts

Please feel free to take the questions in the last blog and still answer them. I do have a few thoughts about getting older...

Its amazing as I get older: how much I love being around my boys!

Its amazing as I get older: how I hate to talk on the phone.

Its amazing as I get older: how much more beautiful my wife becomes everyday.

Its amazing as I get older: How I miss my family.

Its amazing as I get older: How much I still hate losing at anything!

Its amazing as I get older: How sore I am when I try to still be an athlete.

Its amazing as I get older: How I just realized I'm recruiting girls who were born in 1988 - my Junior year in high school

Its amazing as I get older: How my hyperactivity made me a pain in the neck when I was younger to so many patient people.

Its amazing as I get older: How much more beautiful my wife becomes everyday.

Its amazing as I get older: How harder being a teenager and college student it is in this day and age!

Its amazing as I get older: How I wish I knew when I was younger, how much I need God.



Kelly said...

Honey I think you meant how much "bigger and bigger" my wife gets!!