Friday, December 23, 2005


Its been a weird week in sports. The Damon thing is just ridiculous. By the way he is no longer "Johnny Damon" I prefer Damon. Say it fast and it sounds like "Darn him" - can't type cuss words this is a family show.
Heres my letter to Damon -

Hey cool guy,
Thanks for your years in Boston, you were truly a great player for the Bosox. You were the perfect guy for us. You were a leader in the clubhouse, a great leadoff hitter, stole some bases and had reallly cool hair. Theres just a couple things that you need to know. By the major league baseball standards, you are a B+ leadoff hitter, didn't steal all that many bases, the yankees don't need another leader and your hair is not allowed in the communistic society that is the yankees. Now don't get me wrong we will miss you and it won't be the same. I know, I know, the Yanks offered you 12 million more than our Bosox's did. We only offered you 40 million for four years. Its got to be an insult that we only thought ten million a year was your worth. I mean we got swept out of the playoffs last year, you sucked by the way, so we may need a few of our dollars to go and improve but a man needs respect. The Yankees gave you that, your a professional athlete who apparently needs to be respected. In fact I think we insulted you with our ten million dollar a year offer and for that, my friend, I apoligize for the Red Sox. Have a great time playing for a team that buys World Series Titles - wait I know the Bosox have a big payroll but you have to admit - we won on chemistry and destiny. Your yankees will win on egos and ummmm sell outs.


P.S. Tony Dungy's (Coach for the Indianapolis Colts) 18 year old son died on Thursday. Tony is one of the classiest coaches in the League and a professed Christian. Even if he wasn't these things, my heart would still go out for his family. I won't act like I understand what him and his family is going through and to be honest I hope I never have to.


Alyssa said...

with all this extra time on your hands you think you could blog a bit more often. It would be great also if when you do decide to blog it is not about sports! Give me something to comment on! By the way during your drive did you play that game I mentioned? I would love to hear what you came up with!