Friday, May 20, 2005


Well once again blockbuster DVD through the mail service was a success. I found a romantic comedy that I enjoyed. I have to admit that I really like a good romantic comedy. The good ones are awesome - the bad...Well are just chick flicks. Well the movie I watched was The President's Daughter and I liked it/not loved it but liked it. It was somewhat uneven, kinda "where are they going with this" type at the beginning but really got its legs and had a great middle to end. Loved Katie Holmes and Michael Keaton plays a great Dad/President. I won't go into to it to much - wife hasn't seen it. Oh yea - I'm man enough to admit that I watched it without the wife. Back to the movie - it was good and not some cheesy live happily ever after ending a good solid realistic ending!!
How about that extreme makeover: Home Edition on Sunday night. Good Grief people, it about kills me. Did ya see last week. The police officer who's wife got Leukemia and died at like 27. Leaving him three boys all under the age of four. Ouch it was happy/sad/depressing/joyous. It wore me out. They made them a great house and the community raised $150,000. for the family. It was greatttt. I bet Burgess even got emotional if he watched it. Well that would require him to stay up past 8pm. It would be a close call.

Best and Worst Romantic Comedies

1 Notting Hill - all time greatest "just a girl looking for a boy to love her"
2. When Harry Met Sally - Love the quirks of both characters
3. The Notebook - straight rip out your heart love story
4. My best friends Wedding - gotta love the plotting of Julia Roberts
5. Pretty Woman - gotta love Julia Roberts
6. Four Weddings and a Funeral - British humor is the best but the language (40,000 F words) got it a lil lower ranking
7. Sleepless in Seattle- Tom Hanks is flat out the best actor to play everyman

1. You've Got Mail - disappointing - expectations way to high!
2. Addicted to Love - Ryan/Broderick ughhh
3. America's Sweetheart - Cusak/Julia Roberts - missed on the comedy


Kelly said...

My favorite is the American President with Michael Douglas and Annette Benning - great!

Alyssa said...

Yes that was such a sad extream makeover. She was 29 (attention to detail) but it was sure a heart breaker. I had tears streaming down my face the whole time. This weeks should be pretty good as well. Presidents daughter was all right, I was mad at the ending. Not your typical chick flick ending, but I made up my own in my head. When Harry Met Sally is the best Romantic Comody of all time. That is one of the only movies I will watch more then once. Followed by open water!!! JK

Jeff said...

Yea if I'm going for the "dive movie with the shark attack at the end" romance you can't beat Open Water - cried at the romance in the end!

Kirk Wimberley said...

Jeff, I like your list of best/worst romantic comedies. I also love anything with Julia Roberts in it, well, I couldn't get in to America's Sweetheart. The most recent Julia Roberts movie I saw was Closer. I think you commented on it recently...I loved Julia, but it was an "out there" movie. One movie I think you should add to the best romantic comedy list, definitely in the top 2-3...How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days. Awesome movie!!