Monday, May 02, 2005

Jeff is awesome Gordon

I have got a new theory. The more I talk about my "dislike" for Jeff Gordon the more races that he seems to win. Rusty Wallace has wrecked in the last three races and the pretty boy Gordon has won two of three. So I am now officially congratulating Jeff Gordon on his success. You make me proud to share your name Mr. Gordon. Everytime you yell woahhh like a girl I think "theres a man who is comfy in his manhood." You are truly an inspiration to all clean cut yuppies who aspire to race amoungst the red necks. Rock on 24! Hopefully that does something to my curse. Probably not though.
Had great weekend my close friend and his wife had their baby! Cayden Glen (family name) Woodard is here! He is a healthy baby and now eating and sleeping without difficulty. I was very happy for Rob and Stacy. They are so excited. Friday I was at the hospital the whole day hanging out with Rob. Saturday was a laid back day I actually took a nap. We had a few soccer games and went out to the lake (Burney's) and had a great supper. Then played washers. Sunday we had a soccer game and got home to watch NASCAR - we all know how that went - no offense Mr. Gordon. So I sit here waiting for the next adventure to unfold in the life and times of Jeff Gordon's biggest supporter.
