Wednesday, May 04, 2005

My boys

Here ya go Alec and Evan:

Don't spread gossip: Whatever it is, it always comes back around to bite ya
Don't forget "yes maam/yes sir"
Don't tell the ending to movies
Don't root against the cowboys til you move out/ or you'll move out a lil quicker than expected
Don't raise your voice to your Mom
Don't forget about books - reading opens your mind
Don't assume jumping from a certain distance will be o.k.
Don't assume
Don't lie - odds are you will get caught
Don't go against the odds
Don't write a note to a girl and give it to her without sleeping on it (the thought not the note)
Don't ever tell two seperate girls at the same time you "like" them
Don't be afraid to call us if your ever out and uncomfortable
Don't pull your socks up until its back in fashion
Don't stop telling your family you love them - its never not cool
Don't promise to much - know what you can do
Don't forget to learn from experience's, good or bad
Don't assume the VCR is taping until you check
Don't assume
Don't stay inside the house all day: rain or shine
Don't be afraid to laugh or cry

Don't grow up

I love you


Kelly said...

Very nice - I think the VCR taping is the most important one!! :)

Kirk Wimberley said...

Good stuff! (I say as I push my socks back down...)

Alyssa said...

good advice! Maybe you should also add limit your shopping on ebay for Alec!