Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Daily life

I'm not even going to go into the whole Ohio State thing. Good night did we not make any adjustments after the Michigan game?? Ohh I still can't believe it. I will not be a fair weather fan though I believe that we will be back!
It wasn't a good weekend to be a Cowboys and Buckeyes fan!
So heres how my day goes - well first let me tell you my responsibilities at work - that word has a lot of i's. Club soccer - out of season, MSU soccer - no students on campus, Student Center - see MSU soccer. I get up and take the kids to school and then head to the office. I stay there until about 11:30 or Noon depending on when the baby wakes from his nap at Kelly's work. Go get the baby from Kel and head home. Kelly usually gets home around two so I head back up to work to check mail and workout. Around four I'm home for the day. This sounds like I have nothing but I guess I'll make up for it when the semester starts, my Spring season starts and I go on a couple trips with students for the student center. For now though its not to bad a job.
I'll be honest my young one is wearing me out! He has to be held almost all the time. The kids whines more than life itself. To be fair hes teething but good night nurse!! I type this as hes at my feet screaming to be held and LaLaLaLa I can't hear himmmmm. Crap that doesn't work -



Jennifer said...

I am right there with ya. Caleb just grunts really loud and long for everything he wants until you give it to him. I can't stand it. What kind of job does Kelly have?