Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Day three

Well hello there faithful reader(s). I have just completed day three of this diet. I have to tell you I'm getting tired of people telling me "why you doing that, you look fine" or "this is probably a better diet for you the one your doing is crazy". Here's the background and scoop as to why I chose to do this. I weighed the most I have ever weighed after the holidays. It has nothing to do with the holiday meals or sweets. During soccer season I killed myself with fast food and no exercise. So I decide to get up every morning and workout (6am) to lose weight. Well guess what, it worked. I started watching what I eat and working out and lost a good number of pounds. Then I heard about this diet and thought what a great way to lose some extra weight but more than that, to challenge myself. I want to be disciplined enough to do this - a wise man once said - "its not the destination as much as its the journey." I have no clue who said that, I may have just made that up. It makes sense though. When is the time in my life that I could say I gave up eggs, sweet tea, potatoes, alcohol, chicken, diet coke, pork, pasta and sweets for a whole week. I did it because of the challenge not because I feel like Fatty Mcfatty (I made that name up also). Am I happy that I will clean my system out and lose some good weight, sure. Will I gain some of it back even though I'll watch what I eat, sure. My challenge to myself will be accomplished and I will love the fact that I achieved it. So thanks everyone for telling me I look like I don't need to lose any weight and now you can go jump off a cliff.
Yesterday was not too bad. Kelly whipped up a new batch of soup and I think it tastes better. I steamed a lot of broccoli for lunch and ate it with the soup. Nothing really special - that's for sure. The big challenge was the trip to Rob's last night. The drink count went as follows: Rob drank beer, Jeff drank 3 liters of water. I had to pee every 5 minutes, he did make some killer veggies for us on the grill. He was a great best friend and didn't tempt me by eating meat, just ate the veggies with me! I have to tell you I feel good today. Its cheesy but I feel like I have some more energy and am able to focus better. I'm really not kidding about that. Its kinda perplexing to me but for some reason the last two days I can concentrate better on what I'm doing. Well I guess we'll see how my banana and skim milk day goes. So far three bananas and two glasses of skim milk - good times had by all!!



Alyssa Turner said...

Well I am doing it to lose weight, and hopefully allot of it. I am even thinking of doig it an extra couple of days because I had an interuption that I won't talk about on your blog but I probably will on mine. Day 4 3 pounds lost!

Anonymous said...

Ponder this: artificial sweeteners, flavors, and coloring, which is in all processed food (and carbonated drinks) has an effect on our mental capabilities. This is especially true for those of us who are ADD.