Thursday, March 09, 2006

Owen William Trimble

I just got home about an hour ago. My wife is awesome...thats all I have to say!
We started this great day at 4:00a.m. - ouch. Kelly will give you all the details but we had Owen at 1:01p.m today and he's awesome! Laiddd back - the boy doesn't cry or, for that matter, cause a scene. He is 6 pounds and 12 ounces - 20 odd inches long. Our little baby boy! Has no problem with feeding and really likes to sleep and relax. He doesn't fuss much - ohhh I know - "just wait" but I'm telling you he has done really well compared to our other two so far. I have to say this... Thank You - for all your prayers, I wanted to thank you all in this but I'm dead - no trust me - my wife has done a ton more and I know shes really tired but I do feel a little drained - are guys allowed to have that said? Sorry but I am. Kelly is healthy and beautiful, Owen is awesome and I appreciate everyone today. I really do. I came home at 9:30pm tonight and Chris Deges had cooked enough meat and food for three to four days for my family. I can't tell you how much I love my wife but I love her more because she has great friends who care and as her hubby I thank you all today. She gets home tomorrow at 1:00pm so she will be on the computer at 1:05p.m. with pics on her blog and a complete blow by blow of today.



Jennifer said...

Congratulations!! You are definately allowes to be tired. Watching the woman you love in pain and not being able to help her is very emotionally draining. Can't wait to see those pictures. What a trooper to come home tomorrow.

Alyssa said...

I just talked to Kel and I am so excited for you two. Congradulations!!! I cannot wait till Kel comes home and posts pics, and am upset that she did not give you a lesson on picture posting before she went into labor. I mean come on Jeff, I know you are an old man but I am sure you could figure it out. You use the know the square screen that lights up. You should give it a try sometime. Just kidding, I guess I can just try and be patient....I just can't wait to see the little (and I mean little) guy!