Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Don't worry

Things are going well my brothers from another mother! Owen is a sleeper and eater only, the boys are being awesome around him and behaving brilliantly and Kelly is getting her rest. We had a family meeting last night and the boys are all on board. I love family meetings the boys take it seriously and its fun resetting the rules and seeing how they respond. We have started reading them a chapter from the Bible a night and they love it. Well Alec loves it and Evan seems pretty interested too. I honestly have no clue how people do this with all three or two kids out of school. No Way! Its awesome for Kelly that her three oldest boys are out of the house by nine I'm sure her and OW party like rock stars - well at least get their rest. You folks with two or three kids in the house all the time are my heroes. Jeffy would die! Things are really going well and lets hope it continues.

Please don't worry, things are going well for me. Its been a rough transition from the hospital to the house but I think things are going o.k. I'm getting my sleep - I think Kelly gets up during the night - something about feeding the baby but I sleep pretty well. I'm surprised at the lack of pain - I thought sitting in the hospital chairs for 10-12 hours would hurt my back but I seem o.k. I just would like to thank my friends who had me in their hearts -I think things will be o.k. I have to go now - I think the baby's crying so I need to go remind Kelly to take care of that!



Josh said...

I'm glad you are doing well. Amy and I had been really worried since we hadn't heard from you. I know what you're saying with those chairs. Honestly, hospitals are run by men, why can't those men invest in some good recliners??? Just a thought.


Kelly said...

Cute honey - real cute!

Alyssa said...

I don't think it is the chairs so much, but the more the fact that you are really old!