Friday, November 18, 2005

Meeting statement

After the season is over I have individual meetings with the girls. Its always very stressful for some of them, I guess scared of what I will say. I was going through my files the other day and heres a statement that I used to give them. I was much more clever in my youth.

I, understand that this meeting is about me, myself, and I. Coach’s goal is to give me feedback and suggestions on how to improve the way I play and to answer any questions I may have. I will not be concerned with what he is saying to other players, all I will be concerned about is myself. Coach has no deep diabolical agenda to weaken me or lead me astray with the information he gives me. He really wants me to know how the coaching staff views my skills and role on the team. I will receive his version of reality and sometimes that reality will make me happy, mad, sad, or maybe even bored. Despite what Jack Nicholson’s character (Colonel Jessup) says in “A Few Good Men”, I feel that I can handle the truth.

I just talk to them now without having to sign this. I'm getting boring in my old age!



Kirk Wimberley said...

Maybe you could let them write up a one page self-analysis of how they think have done and where they see themselves in the future. Then you could just agree or disagree with them...or just grade them on a scale of A-F based on how close they got to reality...then you wouldn't even have to talk to them! HA!