Monday, July 25, 2005


So I take my new team down to a warm up tournament in the Metro-plex this weekend. Basically this is a tournament to get the team ready for the next two weekends in which we play games to get in the "good " leagues in Dallas. Anyway its three weekends of soccer. I don't mind as much - get a per diem for food and hotel room free. Gotta love hotel rooms no cleaning up and I can get back after games and nap in 40 degree air without interruption. Well to be honest it gets old after a while - the older I get the harder it is with not being home. Well we won three and lost one so good weekend....except for a little friend called "pink eye" that moved into the right eye on Friday night and decided to blind me for most of Saturday. So fun times coaching in 100 degree temps with sweat running down my face and my right eye blinded and burning and itching! Ohh yea you guessed it Mr. left eye decided he was missing out and got a lil infection in him. Thank goodness we have a parent on my team that called in a prescription and the right one is still bothering me today but for the most part starting to clear up.
We did get TIVO this weekend though!! Ben and Alyssa convinced us with the demo at their house. Fun times watching NASCAR last night - how about Rusty finishing second!! Hold back ur excitment folks we still have a bunch more races!!



Kirk Wimberley said...

Know what else I love about TIVO? Knowing that you have a race saved and looking forward to watching it tonight...but already knowing who finishes 2nd! WAHOO!

Alyssa said...

Yeah! Tivo rocks! Now kelly can start watching the O.C.!

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Jennifer said...

I have joined the blog mafia (finally). Visit me at