Thursday, July 28, 2005

Is it the end for our Super hero?

Its not that I have an ego...well o.k. I may but I have always wanted to known as a super hero soooo here I am. No big time powers or stuff like that. I am going down hill fast. It could be age. It could be the fact that my schedule has slowed down so I have more time for my hypochondriacness to kick in. It could be I'm getting a tad under the weather. Maybe I'm in Love with my wife to such a degree its some strange way of trying to relate to the fact shes pregnant and sometimes under the weather. Anyway I'm headed downhill faster than Kirk's and Dail's fantasy football hopes. (I'm in both leagues so I'm taking cheap shots at both commish's) It started with the famous eye infection on the weekend. That has translated to a sore throat and headache all week. I think the eye medicine irritated my throat. Isn't it weird when I put the drops in the medicine would work its way down my throat ten minutes later. Regardless.... it did. When I swallow my coffee a second ago my ears and throat burned. Brillant! Who knows but the good thing is I'm losing weight like crazy. I' continuing to run and the fact that I hate food at this point and my new "no greasy food" philosophy has me weighing like a toy "dog" that Alyssa has just purchased. Ohh I will prevail my people..don't you wory. I will feel better in ten to fifteen years perhaps. I truly believe when I actually get out of the house and my schedule goes crazy (Aug. 9th - Nov. 15th) I won't have time to cry like the girl that my third child won't be...think positive Jeff...Boy, Boy, Boy! Life will be better for our super hero. I just hope the evil forces in the universe don't all rise up to destroy me before my health comes back.



Jennifer said...

I was just sure we were having another girl and did not think positively and boy was I proved wrong. Sorry you're under the weather. Take hope...the cold front that moved in blew some pretty nasty stuff in with it. When it gets hot again you'll get better. Your wife will get better soon, too. It's sweet that you have sympathy sickness with her though:)

Kelly said...

Seriously - you are rivaling Alyssa with the mispelled words and use of punctuation (or lack of!) - you're making the Trimbles look bad honey!

I probably spelled three words wrong in that paragraph!

Alyssa said...

I am sure your little girl will love reading your blogs down the road and see how her dad wished her to be aboy. I already told you it is a girl so you might as well start to get used to it now. I am sure you are just falling apart because you are so old. Don't worry I am sure it will happen to the rest of us soon. Well in like 10 years when we get as old as you.

Jeff said...

Jennifer thanks for the encouragment.

Kelly get a hobby instead of spell checken (I mispauled that on porpuse)

Alyssa - I actually laughed out loud at that one. You got me there! Bless your heart it took years but you finally came up with a funny put down for me.

Kirk Wimberley said...

Frist of all, you dnot relaly need to slpel vrey good to udnrstenad waht yorue tyrnig to say. Second of all...kudos to the love sick comments, I think they bought it! Thirdly, CRY ME A RIVER! Fourthly, I will beat your skinny little butt so bad in fantasy football you'll only WISH you had an eye infection! You'll wake up in the middle of the night screaming like a little girl, waking your boys up and scaring them into thinking they have two moms. Sorry, but you won't have time to run into a little phone booth and put on your tights with a letter on your chest. My Texas Thunder Thighs will grab your little pony tails and twirl you around like a toy dog. You'll be licking your wounds for weeks! :) Welcome to the trash talk league, Jeff! We don't know what the heck we're doing in fantasy football, so we just talk big! HA!

Jeff said...

That was somewhat impressive of a rant until you revealed your team name then the whole just got silly!

Kirk Wimberley said...

Hey, I was taking it easy on you, Stonewall Jackson! :)

Dail said...

Now you've got me sucked into this crap so that I can respond to your feeble taunts. I predict that williamson, buckhalter, bryant and the intimidating mighty rams of st louis will rise from the ashes of their abysmal (check that spelling out kel) careers to stomp your nights(knights). And if I can't win I get even! (What would you do if I gave your blog address too Greg Giddings) Let the games begin. Ok I am a loser I would never sic Greg on you. Feel better bud.

P.S. I can rebuild you; better, stronger, faster