Thursday, December 07, 2006


Day 2 without Kelly started well. The boys got up and we all got ready for our three mile journey to school. This is no easy occassion when you try to load Owen in the car. He has this outstanding new trick where he stiffens his back when you put him in the car seat. Oh the fun then begins, trying to get him to fit into the car seat while he alternates between tightening his legs to arching his back. So I decide to take the entire DSM (During School Mafia/ Dakota, Owen and me) to take the kids to school. Owen and I have to go along but its an added bonus for our newest member our lab Dakota. We get back and its time for our youngest member to take his morning nap! He is scheduled to go down at 9:30 in the A.M. So keeping with the schedule he gets a bottle and goes to his crib (no slang his real crib) and decides to play for 45 minutes all the while talking to his stuffed rabbit. I go let him know that he is a tad off schedule and try to convince him to go to sleep - which results in 20 more minutes of rabbit talk. He finally gets to sleep and the day is off to a hour and half delay! I decide to use this time wisely by watching The Sentinel with Michael Douglas - horrible movie! We then went on the afternoon run to pick the kids up all from school - all members of the DSM not present Dakota was left to guard our headquarters. Then the fun filled after school activies of homework and getting ready for AWANAS. We get that accomplished and the boys polish off a gormet meal of fish sticks and Mac and Cheese. After dropping the two oldest off at church and ran over to the Burney's for chili dogs. This is a meal that really is deceiving. It looks like it could be fun and great to eat..its neither. Anywho back to grab the boys and then the race to baths and snacks and bed.

Things learned yesterday...
1. watch out when feeding Owen and he looks to sneeze.
2. watch out when feeding Owen and he decides to talk and make noises .
3. Got to get a new technique to getting him in his car seat- simple force no longer works.
4. Kiefer Southerland couldn't even save the movie The Sentinel
5. Get the book rights reserved for Owen Trimble the stuffed bunny whisperer



Amy said...

Oh my word, you are so funny! Thank you for doing all that so Kelly could be in AZ. It was great to be with her there. Also, this might work for the car seat thing (my kids did it too): tickle him and be ready to snap him in as soon as he caves! At first it worked with my kids, then it turned to them being mad at their inability to hold the stiff-pose during tickling. But hey, it worked for a while and Kelly's almost home, so you don't need a long-term trick!