Tuesday, December 05, 2006

and so it begins

Day one of the Mr. Mom experiment. It went well so far all the boys are down and asleep and all are still healthy! Kelly left around noon and it was GO time! The boys in school so Owen and I went to Walmart at 2pm for some groceries and a present for a friend. Walmart during the day is one heck of an experience! I had a number of women look and smile at me and I was feeling quite popular. Til I realized Owen was talking or smiling or doing something cute. I'm going to go ahead and assume they were looking at him not me. We then picked up some kids at school around 3pm then over to Old High to drop off the gift. I had to be careful I didnt want Owen to fall asleep in the car. We then ran back home where I got a bottle in him and put him down for a nap. The neighbors then watched him while I picked up Evan from school. We came home killed an hour then off to BBall practice with Evan. I decide to drop Evan off with a mom going into the practice and run back to the store for things I forgot..well as soon as the boy gets in there he falls and hits his head. Of course I'm not there, so the coach takes care of him and I arrive twenty minutes after and things seem to be o.k. Other than all the parents wondering why the deadbeat Dad left his child at his time of need! We then procede home to a baby awake and dinner needing to be done. I feed Owen first then put on some pork chops and mac and cheese for the boys. Big hit - I'm the man so far! I get a little crazy and after dinner decide to give the baby a bath and it works out o.k. Then we kill another half an hour and their in bed. I'm exhausted!! I have to regroup for this to start all over again tomorrow!!



Alyssa said...

Keep truckin! It can only get easier right?