Thursday, May 04, 2006

Day 1

Here we go, one day under the belt without the wifey and we are all still alive. The boys got up and ready for school today before I got up. They were awesome this morning. They went to school and I went to work and things were normal. I picked them up from school and we got ready for practice - first big test for daddy. I passed, we got there alive and on time! The boys did well and we came home (I even brought two other boys home for their mom) so the afternoon went great! Count: both boys alive and happy, daddy is still sane!! We went over to the Burney's for hotdogs and swimming tonight then I had to get ready for the Survival MSU finale' and it went great! Sheri won the game in a landslide and deserved it. Poor Pierre was to emotional at the final Tribal council, he got caught up in the whole emotion of the game. He was so smart throughout the game but let his emotions cost him 1,000.00 dollars. I loved the drama of it all though. I got back and the boys were in bed. I have said it and I'll say it again, I like this stuff about being responsible. Peace - give you an update tomorrow.



Alyssa said...

way to go Mr MOM!

Jennifer said...

It helps when you have lots of things going on. It is much harder to fill an empty day. Great job and you blogged to.