Thursday, February 23, 2006


Im back from Boston, Mass. my lil friends. Wow is it a wee bit cold up there. I went up with 5 students and another advisor to the great North for a NACA convention. Basically we watched comedians, musicians, speakers and so on and so forth. We then decide who we like and try to book them for entertainment for our students next school year. So its really kinda fun, the airport and crowds not as fun. Of course being around a lot of people for five days is not the best but it was Boston. We went and walked through Harvard, toured Fenway Park (Mecca), and went to the original Cheers. Visiting Fenway was the best - I love the Bosox and have since Clemens was a rookie. So it was great to finally see the most famous ball park in the world. Some will say Wrigiley but please ivy can never replace the Green Monster!!! The girl giving us the tour had a reallly thick and wicked Bostonnnn accent so it was really cool to hear her explain. If I had a way to put pics on this I would show you but I'm an idiot.
My wife is getting very close to having this third boy of ours - wow. I'm getting a tad bit nervous, forget the fact that I'm psychotic when it comes to change, I just am excited and nervous that it all goes well. Its amazing how when life is consistent that it is very easy to trust God because we are having a good time of life. We are challenged to trust God when there is uncertainty or worries and it becomes our priority to find a way to get back to walking and talking with him. I guess thats part of our challenge as Christians.



Josh said...

Dude, sweet trip. I have always been jealous of this boondoggle of yours. Congrats on the upcoming baby! Looking forward to meeting him.


Kirk Wimberley said...

I'm envious of your trip! That's awesome! We're excited about the new baby and we hope all goes well. You're about to be outnumbered in the parent-kid ratio! I hear you loud and clear on the trusting God thing when the going gets rough - I just have to remind myself that even though circumstances change, God never does...He is constant so we should not base our faith on our circumstances...but sometimes that is much easier said than done. Good luck!

Alyssa said...

I know you hate change but this will be a welcomed change and hopefully making it easier to adjust. Getting used to having a new born around is like riding a bike, and I am sure you will fall right back into that role quite easy. Especially since you are becoming such a softy in your old age. So since you were in the home town of my other lover (Ben Affleck) did you try stalking him for me? If you happen to see him, put in a good word for me. I know he wants me he just doan't realise it yet.