Saturday, April 29, 2006

Survival MSU finale!!

The final was Friday and of course we threw the twist in with me in front of a lot of students proclaiming that the winner of Survival MSU was ...going to be revealed on Thursday of this next week. WOW am I popular at this point on campus. Debbie, the Dean of Students wife - whom I'm going to their house tonight - was even like "I wasted an hour to hear you say that?" This game was so well done - I know we couldn't even come close to SURVIVOR but Ronnie came close - she did a great job of always keeping us close to the game. I had a lot of fun and really appreciate the fun that Ronnie and all the people involved allowed me to have. Especially my wife whom saw me about three hours each day for the last week (the jury's still out on if that was a bonus for her). It really was well done and I was proud to be a part of it. I'll let you know how it turns out - you should be impressed because I just took 15 minutes out of my NFL draft day to blog this!!!!!