Tuesday, April 18, 2006

If I were......

If I were..
Commisioner of basketball: I would shorten the NBA season
Animal: I would be a wolf - near the top of the food chain and cool looking
Singer: I would be a straight Barry Manilow - he writes the songs that make the whole world sing
Color: dark blue - not black (to evil looking) but still won't allow dirt to show
Book: The frontiersmen - I love explaining history especially if it involves how America was tamed.
Vehicle: Pickup (Ford) - useful, not flashy and reliable.
T.V. character: Jack Bauer (24) - just flat out cool!!
State: Maine - small, with great winters and a lot of trees (not alot of people)
Store: Waldenbooks - have a lot of information and people have to be quiet while reading.
Football team: Dallas Cowboys - c'mon America's team
Cartoon Character: Aquaman - talking to fish while riding on giant sea horses - you can't beat that
Husband and Father: three boys and a hot wife, hey I got that accomplished, still wish I was Aquaman too.


Kelly said...

You crack me up I swear! Love at the bookstore people have to be quiet. Except when your name is Kelly - they MUST bother me!

Alyssa said...

if you were a blogger you could be Alyssa Turner because you never blog anymore. Cute Post! I like navy blue because it does not atract dirt!

Jennifer said...

Great blog. good to see you back.

Kirk Wimberley said...

Straight Barry Manilow is an oxymoron. I totally agree on shortening the basketball season though!