Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Brutally honest liar

Whatever happened to brutal honesty. Honestly..wouldn't it be fun to say how you felt?? C'mon kids I know its not just me. How many of you have to process, as quick as you can, a response to any question or request for an opinion. "How will this person handle this?" It wears me clean out! Hey, I'm good at it though. I act like I didn't hear it completely and then WHAM I have the response! "Heck yea I love this meal, I'm just not that hungry".
Ohhh I know the company line..There is a time and place for brutal honesty... o.k. lets throw that out. No more talk of brutal honesty. How about just being truthful. Heres the problem - a lot of the times there the same. Now is there a rationale for white lies if they are told to spare a person humiliation or mental/physical harm? I'm sure there is but lets be honest...if your to tell the truth then tell it always! "Did I really back over your foot in the parking lot sir?".. "no, dang it, but I would still like you insurance company to write me a check for the doctor bill from me breaking it on my scooter"Isn't that the point of shows liks Scrubs.. the "mean " doctor's (Dr. Kelso, Dr. Cox) are hilarious because they are honest! We laugh because we wish we could do that. "Why don't you have any friends?"" "Well Mom, I told everyone how I actually felt" So is there such a thing as telling to much truth? If we didn't, wouldn't that be telling a lie? I don't know anymore, I would love not to be neurotic and just tell everyone how I truly feel but then I could be in real trouble. Fake smiles and laughs are my way of life. My friends used to think I reminded them of George on Seinfeld because I was so good at stories and lies. Boy, thats something I want on my tombstone! I have a creed - to go to bed without the world mad about things I have said. That could be all messed up with this honesty thing!
Wouldn't it be fitting if I could finish this blog with a list of things I have told people I liked or disliked and actually was telling them the truth. Dream on - I got to sleep tonight!



Kelly said...

Very funny - I don't think people really want to hear your brutal honesty! It would be - "just leave me alone and don't call me".

Kirk Wimberley said...

Jeff, you're an incredible poker player. I'll let you guess whether or not I'm being honest. :)