Friday, October 21, 2005

I'm Back

I would like to give a shout out to all my homies down on fifth avenue. I have no clue what that means but felt like typing it. Its been awhile! I will no longer neglect my blogging like I have - I'm ashamed. I am now ready for the task of keeping up with this responsibility.
Its a boy! Wow - I have to admit I would have liked a girl butttt I'm telling ya the thought of three boys and paying for no weddings is not a bad gig. I am excited about another boy though - it sounds strange - I know - but the more I think about it the more excited I am to have three sons. I'm telling ya the minute we started the sonogram I knew it was a boy. My poor wife was like "I have no clue what a girl sonogram looks like" - poor thing. Things are going really well in this pregnancy and Kelly looks awesome.
Its homecoming weekend here at MSU. We have a game tonight at 5pm and hopefully we wiill win. Last night was the all important bonfire in which I talked to 250 drunk college kids and tried to get them fired up to attend our game tonight. Good times. My parents are in this week so the house is a little crowded but its all good. Thats it players but fret not I will return soon!


Alyssa said...

Congrats on the boy! I cannot believe I was wrong. I mean can you believe that when you take a pensil and attach it to a string and hold it over your hand that it really can't predict the number and sex of you future children???? At least you are well practiced in the boy department. NOw you will have a little boy like Corben to follow you around and ask what you are doing over and over again. Ben had to answer that question 25 times when he was putting our bar stools togeather. Hope all is well and it was good to finally hear from you again!

Jennifer said...

It's good to have you back. I was getting a little bored with everyones same post everyday. Congrats on the boy. Three of the same sex is fun!! Now you can try again and be like us.

Kirk Wimberley said...

That's right Jeff, 4 times is a charm! Sorry it's not a girl, but I'm glad you seem to have accepted that quickly. Hope you win your game!

Anonymous said...


I had given up checking your blog. Glad you're back on the wagon.
