Thursday, June 16, 2005

Summer time

Its been a good week. I have came up to the office a couple times because I forgot I needed to turn like three things in last week. Typical Jeff Trimble stuff - I know about it but why turn it in early when I can take forever and rush at the last minute. I swear its a disease - and Jeff number 2 hates it. The whole split personality thing sorry! I have a on the ball getting it done type personality and also a I've got forever so I can always wait til later one. I always seem to think "I can do that tomorrow" then I will get so behind that it becomes a goal to get everything done - which I do - then the cycle starts all over! Anyway I'm all caught up finally and getting ready for another great week of soccer camp!! After that we have a week off then head home to the great state of Ohio and our vacation! Then back for the fall season. Fun times! The blogs of a out of season soccer coach cannot be any more boring - im telling ya. A lot of swimming and cooking out!! Kelly had her big company cookout yesterday and we all swam. I tried the jump off the bored and let ur butt hit the board flip off the diving board. I was 2 for 3 on that dive and the one mess up was enough to officially retire the dive. So then I ate more steak and sausage and gently dove off the board the rest of the time. It was a fun time though! My wife did about forty front and back flips off the board - show off.



Alyssa said...

She was probably practicing for cliff jumping in Hawaii! Lets see if she does a back flip from 25 feet!

Alyssa said...

6 days with no new are turning into me!

Alyssa said...

ok seriously Jeff, it is time for a new post.....and am I the only one who reads this thing?