Wednesday, June 01, 2005


So I go to Dallas again this weekend for our last tournament!! We are supposed to play on Saturday at 10a.m. and 2. We get the first game in and BAM rain.. the tourney doesn't get cancelled - oh no that would be to convenient - it gets suspended for twenty hours!! I have to spend all day Saturday in a hotel room watching T.V. which doesnt sound horrible but... there's forty different things going on at home I could be doing! We ended up playing the number 3 ranked team in the country for this age group on Sunday at 2pm and we tied!!! Well I put everyone of my players on defense and held on but..we tied!! The guys loved it! So Sunday morning it resumes and we play two games and of course my team picks the one weekend I want to be back in Wichita Falls to play their best so we win two games and tie one (see the above sentences) qualify for the quarter finals that night at....9pm! Who plays soccer at 9pm? well the rain messed everything up and we did! First ten minutes of the game one of my players gets a red card (automatic ejection) he talked back to the ref. in a negative manner. So we play 75% of the game a man short. Yea we lost 1-0. So I roll into W.F. at 1:15a.m. for 5 hours of sleep before opening day of our soccer camp. The only thing that will ruin a soccer camp is thunderstorms and there's a chance of them everyday this week. Are you kidding me - we're in Texas! So hereI sit typing with my eye on the accuweather website to see which storm is getting near. I am blessed to have a great camp staff and the Lord gave us great numbers this year to make our camp a success. My wife is about to kill herself answering the phone and listening to problems. Kel and I know we're lucky/blessed to have this so please don't think all I do is complain..which is close to being the truth. We are blessed and appreciate it!



Alyssa said...

Hey jeff maybe when you come to Hawaii we can get a camp going. Just so you don't miss soccor too much!

Anonymous said...

You should have called Kirk. You two could have played playstation all day. Kirk was bummed because the rain came on his three day weekend. He had planned to spend all weekend at the pool. Because of the rain it didn't even open until Monday afternoon. It sure is great having a free pool right down the street.