Thursday, September 20, 2007

The beginning is the best part of my day

I got back last night after getting my teams collective heads handed to me by UCO. I decided to not torture my family with my bright and cheery mood so I watched the game again (we taped it) with John(my assistant). My goalkeeper was taken to the emergency room (broken nose) so I viewed the beat down again and waited for our trainer to call with how bad the break was. Its just a week to ten day type of break (hair line fracture). I guess that could be the best news of the day.
I awake today to my little one crying/mumbling at 6:15 a.m. Then my big boys decide to go nuts over anything and anyone while trying to get ready for school. We get them off to school and the baby is still crying when I get back because that's what he does when I leave. It was flattering for the first two times he did this but was never fun for my wife. So I carried him around for awhile as I got ready. I decided to make myself some hot tea and set it on the bathroom counter. Mr. Owen decided he was going to get it down to see what was in the cup. Thank goodness it wasn't very hot but he pulled the cup down and broke it everywhere while scaring himself to death. So another session with me holding him for ten more minutes. The poor guy should have a blog to vent on - he is having a terrible day.
Its amazing as I sit here how many people in this building remember we had a game yesterday and stop by to "see how ya did". When we won last week I had to hand out pamphlet's to let people know. Maybe I'm being to sensitive - I'll go home and cry to Owen and he can hold me!



Josh said...


Sorry about the loss. I find this is par for the course in my job too. Do well, and it's expected. Do poorly, and the world is at your door. Hope things pick up for you (and Owen).
