Monday, April 23, 2007

Weekend chat

This weekend was a blur! I took the team to San Angelo, Texas for two games on Saturday. We left at 6:30 a.m. and returned at 11pm. We won both games (exhibitions) and thats exciting but the trip wore me out. So what do I do on Sunday? Bring two teams in to town to play against my team and squeeze in two campus tours for the high school girls that have come up. Another 9am - 6pm day of soccer. Its not really that its hard work (coaching) its simply that I'm out in the sun the entire time. This is not Hawaii so the ocean breeze is not really the air that we're breathing during this brillant Spring weather. Its more like hot wind blowing a lot of red dirt. Good times had by all. So I'm burnt, back hurts from standing the entire game and if I never talk again I would be very happy. Talking to all those people put my personality into over drive. I watched Lost the other day and Desmond's vow of silence was a very attractive thing. How long do all of you think you could go without talking? Wouldn't it be fun to try? I have discussed my philosophy about this before but lets review. Just think how many problems that we have created by talking. Plus you would have the most mysterious vibe about you? I had a girl on my team that was very quiet and got great grades. I thought this girl is like a wise old Monk (if monks were women). My friends I know now why she never talked- she couldn't buy the common sense enough to start a car. Bless her heart. Wouldn't it be fun to go to a social gathering and not say a word. Just simply listen and nod. You would have to find a way to avoid questions which would be a game in and of itself. Grab your hamstring(thats on the back of your leg - Alyssa) when someone asks you something and hold a finger up as you walk away. Act like you have something hot in your mouth and swiftly jog for water. Act like you can't hear the question then look to the other end of the room like someone else called you. I need to actually try this stuff. It sounds like it could really work.



Kelly said...

You crack me up - only you would sit and figure out how to avoid casual converstaion!

Alyssa said...

um why would you think I do not know what or where a hamstring is?? I might spell it worng but hey!