Wednesday, April 11, 2007

How's Life?

Things have been going well here. We are finishing up with our spring season at MSU. The girls are doing well and we have only a few more practice games before the end of the season. The Spring record doesn't count for anything - just a training time.
My boys are doing pretty well. Alec is doing better in school (listening and with school work) so we are proud of him. The boy is a reading machine and still loves the gymkata class he does. Hopefully he will never apply what he has learned for the benefit of evil. I love comic book talk! Evan is doing well at school and is playing baseball and soccer right now. His schedule is crazy and we have to watch that he doesnt get to spread out and can enjoy laying around sometimes. He does well at both which keeps me sane - I have a tendency to get a little wrapped up in competition. I'm not sure of any of you knew that or not. Owen is Owen. I'm not an expert on the ins and outs of the one year old child but he looks pretty happy to me. I get to spend a long lunch with him everyday (off-season benefit) and I really enjoy that time with him. Its good just to spend time with any of the boys. At the conference Kel and I went to they talked a lot about spending one on one time with your kids. I need to start doing that a little more consistently.
Kelly and I have decided to start getting involved with a secret cult. Just checking to make sure your paying attention. We actually are going to work with our Church's youth group. We are going to start off just mingling and socializing with the group then work ourselves into more of an active role if Derek (youth pastor) needs. I really am excited about doing this. I like working with that age group and certainly have the maturity and intellect to function on a level with them if not below them.
Hey kids thats all I have for you right now. Oh, Surviror MSU (year two) is about to start again. They have renewed my contract as the host once again. I will let you know how it goes - it starts Friday.


Alyssa said...

Jeff socializing can you even use those two words in the same sentenc? I guess it helps when you are socializing with people on the same maturity level. JK That sounds really great and you and Kel will be great at it!