Monday, July 30, 2007

Mr. Mom

Heres my daily schedule for the last couple of weeks. I really have no problem with it because I know that come Aug. 6th its two to three practices a day just for my MSU team. Its fun spending time with my boys (other than the fact that Owen loves to hangout with me all the time). Still Kelly keeps telling me to enjoy it. At some point He will be our only one at home, breaking curfew and bringing home scary girls.

8:00 am - wake up
8:30 am - realize that I'm awake
8:45 am - feed Owen and the boys
9:00am - get myself soccer ready for practice and play with the boys
9:45 am - go to practice (under 14 girls) the boys stay with our neighbors
11:45 am - back from practice to put Owen down for a nap
Noon - feed the boys and the families glorious leader (me - I know you were thinking Kelly)
1:10 pm - My hard working wife gets home and Ive made it another day
1:15 pm - Head to the office for three hours
4:30 pm home to watch PTI
5:15 pm - head to my next practice (under 19 girls)
7:15 pm home for the night

I'm practicing my club teams a lot because we have a couple of weekends of tournaments coming up. So now I'm back to 24/7 soccer til November. I do have to tell you that my vacation at home was awesome and I really feel ready for soccer.
Do you hear there was a shark attack in Hawaii on the same beach the our loving friends (the Turners) took us to body surf!!!! the guy got attacked further from shore than I would have been but still!! We have shark week on the Discovery Channel this week so Alec and I will be in full watch!

Last points
Vick is guilty and going to get what he deserves
I'm not excited at all to see Bonds even close to the record
NBA referees betting scandal is very scary
Tour de France is a shame and I'm sick of the word doping
Once again NASCAR is the only pure sport



Alyssa said...

Jeff I told you there is never sharks at Belllows beach! Does this mean you will not believe me next time?